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Our Mission

Our Mission

Yonkers Partners in Education (YPIE) partners with students to ensure they are ready for, enroll in, and complete college.
We confront the challenges of a low-income, urban school district by providing families with equitable access to the critical tools and services necessary for college success.


Our Vision

Students are lifelong learners equipped to thrive in the future economy and empowered to contribute to their communities and humanity.
We Believe

  • All young people, regardless of zip code, are entitled to a quality education, and a chance to discover their passions and share their talents with the world.
  • Post-secondary education is essential to upward economic mobility.
  • Readiness for, access to, and persistence in college are integral to degree attainment.
Our Why

"Postsecondary education is no longer just the preferred pathway to middle-class jobs –
it is, increasingly, the only pathway.” 
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
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Only 1 in 5 High School Graduates in 2023 are fully prepared for college

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Only 51% of students from low-income families go to college, compared to 89% of students from well-off families
The Brookings Institution
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Bachelor’s degree holders earn a median of $2.8 million during their career, 75% more than if they had only a high school diploma
Georgetown University

Our Story

Yonkers Partners in Education (YPIE) was founded in 2007 to bring innovative solutions to the historically under-resourced Yonkers Public Schools.  
Initially providing college support to 12th grade Yonkers students, YPIE expanded its model to include College Readiness, College Access, and College Persistence programming, serving 1,200 students each year from 9th grade through college.
In fall 2023, YPIE introduced YPIE Jersey City, replicating its college success model for public school students in Jersey City.
YPIE has put a college degree within reach for thousands of students. Our work with students and families is a partnership. We make a commitment to students to ensure we do everything we can to support them on a journey to college success.


Financials and Strategic Plan

Audited Financials: Year-end June 2023
990: Year-end June 2023
Our Strategic Plan
YPIE Theory of Change


YPIE is honored to have earned the Candid Platinum Participation Level and Charity Navigator "100 out of 100" Encompass Rating.  Please see inspiring quotes about YPIE on!
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