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Learning about Architecture, Engineering, and Construction wth YPIE's ACE Major

Updated: May 5, 2021

YPIE students are being inspired to be our future architects and engineers through the YPIE ACE Major.

ACE's mission is: to engage, excite, and enlighten high school students to pursue careers in architecture, engineering, and construction through mentoring and to support their continued advancement in the industry.

YPIE students participated in the YPIE ACE Major with ACE Mentor Tricia Elms Hanafin.

The ACE Scholars, Team 38, decided to build a school for their project. The idea is they would create a school containing all the elements they felt would enhance the Yonkers students' high school experience. For their end of the year ACE presentation, Team 38 presented a large campus high school located in Yonkers. Given an unlimited budget and unlimited space, the campus will have everything a Yonkers high school student would want to help them have a great 4 years. The presentation highlighted some of the spaces and concepts designed by Team 38.

Please check out the ACE Presentation at this link. YPIE's Team 38 begins at minute 21.

Prior to the presentation, ACE students learned about different elements of architecture, construction, and engineering. Students were taken around the College Zone by Engineers from Turner Construction Co, Ralph Edouard, and Glen Craig, and were shown different mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering.

Another Activity Students completed at the YPIE College Zone were spaghetti towers made of spaghetti and marshmallows to learn about structural engineering. Students’ towers were subject to various tests such as an earthquake test to see if they could withstand extreme conditions.

Students also worked on creating blueprints at the College Zone for the high school they wanted to create named Hammer Head High.

During the quarantine, students have been able to continue to meet and learn remotely. Students have heard from professionals in the field. Two speakers have visited our ACE sessions during quarantine: architect Santiago Rivera and engineer Reggie Thevenin. Students were able to practice and continue creating blueprints in AutoCad.

We look forward to seeing what our YPIE ACE Major students design in this new school year!



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