As high school seniors wrap up the college application process, many students are thrilled to learn that they have been selected for a college interview. Since 2012, YPIE has facilitated Alumni Interview Day in hopes of connecting selective colleges and their alumni interviewers with many talented applicants from Yonkers.
This year, YPIE hosted alumni interviewers from Columbia University, Barnard College, Brown University, Dartmouth College, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University.
More than 30 students from across all eight Yonkers Public High Schools had the opportunity to be interviewed by contacts representing these selective colleges, with many interviewing with more than college.
In preparation for our Alumni Interview Day, YPIE holds an interview workshop.YPIE was extremely fortunate to have Beth Gelles and Nancy Stuzin from Acceptance Ahead lead this workshop to prepare our students for their upcoming interviews.
We look forward to sharing exciting news as our YPIE Seniors make their college decisions this spring!